Read all about the flooding that happened to the church on Boxing Day 2015 here:
Flooding Update:
We are still dealing with the issues that the flood caused us almost 3 years on but we are slowly getting back to where we can function as a church plus we hope to be able to make some improvements.
In the last couple of months we have had some fantastic wins as we now have our organ back up and running, the hot water is back on with a functioning sink, our choir looks better than ever in their new bergundy coloured gowns, we have received the first of many of our new pew runners and our new comfy chairs look ever so posh compared to our old plastic ones. Still lots to be done but we are moving in the right direction.
What we have found out through this and all the other challenges St Mary's throws at us is that we have great spirit and determination as a congregation. The church brims with fellowship and support for each other and the local community and we are here for each other when we need it.
We also continue to work as a team with St. Thomas & St. John and share in their midweek services (see the events page for more details).
Fundraising is always ongoing so if you wish to help out, please get in touch!