Porch Boxes is a charity that was started by our very own Revd. Carol in 2001. It got its name because of donations of tins etc being left in the 'porch' of her house. Since then over 42,000 packs have been given out!
The food parcels include enough food for two days and some basic toiletries (Porch Boxes also provide different types of boxes depending on need including: baby packs, family 7 day boxes, Christmas boxes, street packs for people living rough and home starter packs for people moving on from hostels).
Staff from local agencies (e.g. Social Services, health centres, Children’s Centres, etc.) contact Porch Boxes if they come across a person or family in need and someone from the project delivers a parcel to the agency who then pass it on to the person. Referrals also come from other charities, schools or people supporting people in crisis.
Porch Boxes relies on donations of food and toiletries, and a number of groups, churches and primary schools support the work with donations throughout the year. The food donated in churches and schools at Harvest time is collected, sorted and stored ready for use throughout the year.
They rely on their generous donations to enable them to keep going.
Porch Boxes is run entirely by volunteers.
Charity registration number is 1089998
Citizen's Advice Bureau:
The CAB offers advice on a range of topic: Housing; benefits, work, tax, debt and money, relationships, consumer, law and rights, discrimination, healthcare and education.
Since the floods and the service cuts, the Radcliffe CAB is now held at the Radcliffe Primary Care Centre on a Wednesday 10am-1pm. Telephone for an appointment on 0161 447 3040 or drop in on a Monday 10am-3pm (Star suite, 2nd floor).
There are further locations throughout the Bury area. Check them out click here